Scientific Computation Research Center (SCOREC)
The Scientific Computation Research Center (SCOREC) is focused on the development of reliable simulation technologies for engineers, scientists, medical professionals, and other practitioners. These advancements enable experts in their fields to employ, appraise, and evaluate the behavior of physical, chemical, and biological systems of interest.

Center for Flow Physics and Control (CeFPaC)
CeFPaC conducts research in flow physics, prediction, modeling, and control. The center focuses on a combination of basic research aimed at verifying or developing theories for fluid dynamic behavior, and the application of these theories towards controlling flows.

Gaerttner Linear Accelerator Center (LINAC)
The Gaerttner Linear Accelerator (LINAC) Center is one of two unique facilities available in the Nuclear Engineering program at RPI and has been engaged in active research continuously for over 50 years. Current areas of research at the LINAC include thermal reactor physics, photoneutron reactions, neutron cross sections, radiation effects in electronics, and production of medical isotopes. This laboratory has well served government and industry in numerous applications where it has provided a unique and highly intense radiation environment.

Center for Computational Innovation (CCI)
The Center for Computational Innovations (CCI) is solving problems for next-generation research through the use of massively parallel computation and data analytics. The center supports researchers, faculty, and students a diverse spectrum of disciplines. Industry collaborators include IBM, Boeing, GlobalFoundries, Intel, and Xerox.

Center for Future Energy Systems (CFES)
CFES conducts fundamental and applied research to accelerate the development of energy efficient and renewable energy technologies (e.g., solar and wind energy, advanced lighting, fuel cells, smart buildings, energy storage technologies, renewable energy grid integration, microgrid and smart grid.) CFES is funded by the Empire State Development of New York and was recently re-designated as a Center for Advanced Technology (CAT) by the state for another decade (2015-2025).

Center for Modeling, Simulation, & Imaging in Medicine (CeMSIM)
CeMSIM harnesses advanced modeling, simulation and imaging technology for healthcare, and transitions those technologies to clinical practice – from the lab bench to the hospital bedside. CeMSIM is funded by the National Institutes of Health.

Center for Biotechnology and Interdisciplinary Studies (CBIS)
he Shirley Ann Jackson, Ph.D. Center for Biotechnology and Interdisciplinary Studies (CBIS) at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (RPI) is a community of world-class researchers utilizing the most advanced facilities and infrastructure to conduct groundbreaking, interdisciplinary, biotechnology-based research and workforce development.

Center for Materials Devices and Integrated Systems (cMDIS)
The cMDIS focuses on advanced materials and devices, and the integration of these technologies into complex systems to foster a safe, secure, and sustainable world.