Faculty in the Department of Mechanical, Aerospace, and Nuclear Engineering (MANE) work collaboratively on research that bridges multiple technological and scientific areas across our three programs and beyond leading to innovative approaches to tackle the complex, large-scale challenges facing the world. The synergy of MANE’s programs falls along themes enabling advancements in fields such as energy storage and harvesting, health and safety, and sustainable design and manufacturing.

Aerospace research at RPI focuses on advancing technologies in areas such as aerospace structures, propulsion, fluid dynamics, optimization, and space systems. Faculty work on innovative projects involving active and morphing structures, combustion diagnostics, aerodynamic flow control, spacecraft dynamics, and trajectory optimization, addressing complex challenges across both aeronautics and astronautics.

Mechanical research at RPI spans diverse areas including advanced design and manufacturing processes, dynamics and control systems, mechanics and materials, and thermal and fluids engineering. Faculty research aims to innovate in fields such as sustainable manufacturing, adaptive optics, materials under extreme conditions, and thermal management, contributing solutions that support advancements in technology and industry.

Nuclear research at RPI focuses on advancing nuclear technology across areas such as radiation detection, nuclear materials, power systems, and radiation applications in medical and industrial fields. Through interdisciplinary research, MANE faculty contribute to innovations in reactor design, radiation protection, nuclear non-proliferation, and medical therapies.
MANE faculty lead and are affiliated with research centers across Rensselaer. These centers provide opportunities for faculty and students to collaborate across disciplines with access to world-class research facilities to push the boundaries of what is possible.