Tom Haley

Professor of Practice; Director of MANE Undergraduate Student Services
Mechanical, Aerospace and Nuclear Engineering
Technical strengths: Nuclear criticality safety analysis Monte Carlo and deterministic simulations of systems, experiments, and tests Mathematical and statistical modeling and software development Analysis of nuclear power generation, operation, and control Developing and implementing quality assurance methodologies and procedures Teaching award-winning blended/hybrid university courses Prior to returning to Rensselaer, Thomas Haley was a nuclear engineer for sixteen years with Northeast Technology Corporation. Major projects involved criticality safety analysis, material and neutronic characterization of neutron absorbers, radiation transport and energy deposition, spent fuel storage design, spent fuel pool chemical kinetics, qualifying and evaluating in-situ non-destructive neutron absorber diagnostics, core refueling design, fuel thermal-mechanical analysis, thermal hydraulics, statistical and numerical analysis, and software development.
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