Fudong Han

Assistant Professor and Priti and Mukesh Chatter '82 Career Development Chair
Mechanical, Aerospace and Nuclear Engineering
Fudong Han is an assistant professor and Priti and Mukesh Chatter '82 Career Development Chair in Department of Mechanical, Aerospace, and Nuclear Engineering. He received his BS degree in 2009 and his MS degree in 2012, both in Materials Science and Engineering from Shandong University in China, and his PhD degree in Chemical Engineering from University of Maryland College Park where he also did one-year postdoctoral research. He was a guest scientist in the Materials for Energy and Sustainable Development Group at National Institute of Standard and Technology (NIST). His research interests include (i) understanding the fundamental sciences of materials with the aid of advanced characterization techniques, (ii) designing and fabricating new materials with desired properties, and (iii) integrating these materials in electrochemical energy storage devices. He has published more than 80 papers in scientific journals including Nature Energy, Nature Materials, Nature Chemistry, Nature Review Materials, Nature Communications, Science Advances, Joule, Advanced Materials, Energy and Environmental Science. He is a recipient of the ARPA-E IGNIITE Award, NSF CAREER Award, Electrochemical Society Electrodeposition Division Early Career Investigator Award, Electrochemical Society Battery Division Student Research Award, and Materials Research Society Graduate Student Gold Award. Han research group is always looking for highly motivated undergraduate, graduate, and postdoctoral researchers in mechanical engineering, materials science, chemical engineering, and electrochemistry to join our group. Please contact Dr. Han (hanf2@rpi.edu) for possible opportunities.
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